• Logo
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  • Symbol

Logo for Sunni Sparkles Dutch HipHop artist & Co-founder of SCavengaz.

Check out Sunni Sparkles here.

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Context: Sunni Sparkles asked for an update of his 2009 logo, asking for
a remastering of the old version. Keeping the same idea with a more vibrant
and realistic look. See old version here on the cover of the "Set it Off" Mixtape.


Logo. From the Greek word logos, meaning ‘word, reason’. 1930s: abbreviation of logogram or logotype.
From Logos + type or Greek gramma ‘thing written, letter of the alphabet’, and from graphein ‘write’.

-A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its brand, products, uniform, vehicles etc.
-A sign or character representing a word or phrase, such as those used in shorthand and ancient writing systems.