More text will be added soon.View The Digital Beginning in the online gallery.
The Journey that had set off with an artistic spark in 2015 has reignited my inner flame,carried me out of the darkest experiences and recovered my faith in the holy and divine.Dubbed Returning Home, I conclude an intense time period of re-gathering and finding my self.Spread over three years from 2020 to 2023, alchemizing trials and tribulations into 450...
Consumed by curating The Beginning and finding my way in providing creative services,building on my existing concepts with new work through both traditional and digital media,sharpening and expanding not only my creative skillset, but my mind and life along with it.75 artefacts total Twilight Zone : 2015 - 2020 View Twilight Zone in the online gallery.
The 150 artefacts dubbed The Beginning had always missed a sense of completion to me.While working on 88 ten by six centimeter drawings in may 2020 where the cloudhatch hadinfiltrated my art, the idea to complete The Beginning with the cloudhatch struck me.This selection captures and concludes the final form of The Beginning.The Beginning : 2000 - 2015,...
Ik moet lachen van het huilen van die geluiden van het verleden, zoveel lol en, zoveel geleden. Het leven is meer dan een strijd maar we streden puur om te overleven. Al is het leven maar even, én een kort gegeven, het Leven "is". Gegeven. Het leven is kort, je moet het ervan nemen. Maar doe een ander niet te kort. Nee, pak niet van een ander, geef...
150 artefacts selected as the last remnants of a period I have dubbed The Beginning.Derived from over 1250 drawings and sketches that were destroyed in the process.These selected artefacts define the beginning of my visual language, interest and style.The Beginning 2000 - 2015View The Beginning in the online gallery*2024 update - The Sketchbooks that were...