• Original

Size300 × 210 mm

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Context: If everything comes together, and conditions are just right.
The Yosemite Firefall will light up for about ten minutes. Much like this,
we all have moments that we're able and allowed to shine. We however,
have the power to make or break the conditions around us.

Returning Home III artefact.


Collage. From the french papier collés, glued paper.
from French Coller- ‘to stick, glued together‘ Glue,
Middle English: from Old French glu, from late Latin
glus, glut-, from Latin gluten.

-A piece of art made by placing various different materials such as,
photographs, pieces of paper, fabric, objects, scraps, junk and odds
on a carrier creating a unified composition.
-A collection or combination of various things.

Nature. From the latin nasci meaning grow.
from Latin nat- ‘born’, to natura ‘birth, nature, quality’.

-The phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants,
animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth,
including human behaviour, human culture and human creations.
-The basic or inherent features, character, or qualities of something.