The Cloudhatched Beginning

The 150 artefacts dubbed The Beginning had always missed a sense of completion to me.
While working on 88 ten by six centimeter drawings in may 2020 where the cloudhatch had
infiltrated my art, the idea to complete The Beginning with the cloudhatch struck me.
This selection captures and concludes the final form of The Beginning.

The Beginning : 2000 - 2015, Cloudhatched in 2020.

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Manifesting frequencies The Cloudhatched Beginning raw

My flow of creation was feeding the cloudhatch in its frantic takeover.
In 6 months it manifested into over 250 drawings, a skateboard design,
on the beach in a sand sculpture, my shoes, internet presence and a book.

The final form of the beginning has been captured and published in the form of a pocket-sized
catalogue and includes a legend of titles, production dates and materials used for each artefact.Katalog Mini - The Cloudhatched Beginning

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