The Pika Files

Once, around the year 2000 I used an online elven name generator to create an online nick-name. Privacy,
used to be a thing... Based off my first and mothers maiden name, Avarhithion is what came out of it. It had
enough unique individuality, and a touch of imagination that reminded me of the elves by J.R.R Tolkien.
That made me cherish and carry the name with me with love ever since. One name to rule them all... J.K.

Twenty years later, I step into a generative a.i. system once again. This time it's text to video, a strange new
development in the realm of humans. Exploring the capabilities of the software to see what the fuzz is all about,
hearing that these services are build on the backs of many that haven't volunteered, including my own artwork,
I opted out as much as I could find and find the time for to do so, and decided to delve deep into the matter.
Since this was a time consuming matter, and after doing something a couple of times you start to get a feel for it.
I hope sharing these files will give others insight and help save time on their endeavors in the realm of text to video.

Consider these as my sketches of prompting generative video in Pika Labs Beta, Fall 2023.

View a compiled list of assorted different footage on Youtube.

More details


Watch with a cautious and conscious eye.

Nothing happened...